
Ozone: Nature’s Powerful Disinfectant

Let’s all breathe a breath of fresh air!

With growing concern over the past months about viruses, germs and other pollutants in our environment and homes, have you taken the time and thought about the quality and cleanliness of the air you breathe everyday?

Good air quality is essential for a person’s well-being, the same as clean drinking water, a healthy diet, and other health positive practices. The former three get publicized on heavily, but what may not be as commonly known is ‘How do we get good quality air?’

Lucky, if you are fortunate enough to live far away from large cities or urban areas and far away from industrial air pollution, you may already have access to ample fresh, clean air.

For those of us living in large cities or industrial areas, where we spend the majority of time indoors, it may be hard to get access to truly clean air, which can affect our mental and physical health.

So how DO we change the quality of the air if we are constricted to confide spaces in heavily polluted environments? The answer comes in the form of an air purifier. An air purifier does just that, purify the surrounding area, killing airborne bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other irritants, leaving clean breathable air. 

One of the best known disinfectants of airborne pollution found in nature is Ozone. We may have heard of ozone before, more specifically the ozone layer which is a suborbital barrier between our plant and outer space. Ozone is also all around us, working invisibly to clean the air and other external surfaces in the natural world. Although ozone is not as common at ground level as it is in the ozone-layer, new technology has been able to harness the power of ozone, utilizing its disinfection properties, and making it safe and easy to use at home, work or on the go so you may breathe clean natural air wherever you are.

What is Ozone?

Ozone, in its simplest form is oxygen. The oxygen that we all know, love and breathe is a combination of two oxygen atoms, represented as O2. Scientists and engineers have discovered that it is possible to split the two oxygen atoms that form O2 apart, either by low atmospheric pressure, ultraviolet (UV) light, electromagnetic radiation or electrolysis (usually in the form of lightning or an electric current). When the oxygen atoms go to rejoin together after being separated, sometimes they will rejoin together in groups of three rather than just two. When oxygen atoms join together in groups of three, that is called Ozone, which is represented as O3.

Ozone is a colorless gas with a very distinct smell. That fresh smell you get after a lightning storm, that is ozone. Just because oxygen atoms are able to reform into groups of three, does not mean that it wants to stay in groups of three. Oxygen at atmospheric pressure would rather stay in groups of two because of its atomic makeup. That means, Ozone (O3) is very unstable and constantly wants to shed or get rid of that extra oxygen atom.

Because ozone is so unstable, that makes it highly reactive with other molecules and microbes. This is where ozone gets to work. When ozone reacts with other molecules like gases, smells, microbes, bacteria, germs, fungi and viruses, ozone breaks the molecule or microbe down, either off loading the extra oxygen atom or killing the microbe all together. This eliminates the bad gases, smells, or microbes, leaving behind fresh, breathable O2 oxygen.

Because of the effectiveness, simplicity and general safety of ozone, it is an ideal method for treating air, water and external surfaces against most contaminants and pollutants.

EfficiencyHow Well Does Ozone Work?

Ozone is one of the strongest disinfectants available, able to treat air, water and other solid surfaces against contaminants. Although ozone is a strong disinfectant, it is still one of the safest available disinfectants for everyday use. Ozone is said to be up to 50 times more effective than chlorine bleach. Even though ozone is up to 50 times more effective, it works without the harmful effects and byproducts which can result from other man-made cleaning chemicals, such as the carcinogenic residue left behind by chlorine bleach treatments.

Even though ozone is a powerful air and water purifier, as well as general disinfectant, it cannot be stored and therefore it has to be made each time it is needed. Because ozone is made on demand, it eliminates additional costs and environmental impacts from the storage and distribution processes.

BenefitsWhat Makes Ozone A Good Disinfectant?

Ozone is a potent disinfectant at low concentrations. In its gaseous state, Ozone is a proven deodorizer and bactericide. Ozone diminishes the need of chemicals to zero and does not leave any potentially harmful byproducts, hence being the most sustainable and environmental-friendly treatment technology. After all, the main byproduct of ozone after oxidization and disinfecting is O2 oxygen.

Ozone from air purifiers can kill contaminants that provoke mold development in several minutes. It is also efficient against dangerous pollutants such as bacteria cells, harmful microorganisms, and viruses. It oxidizes any surface to eliminate mildew, heavy metals, and pesticides that cause damage human respiratory health. 

ApplicationsWhere Is Ozone Used As A Disinfectant?

Ozone is a very powerful oxidant, able to break down a wide variety of compounds and microorganisms. Ozone is ideal because of its relatively safe to use, as well as it oxidation and disinfection properties which can be fully utilized in many applications.

In treating potable water, ozone has the proven ability to convert harmful organic materials to safer biodegradable materials. As a result, combining ozone with other biological treatments can produce water with lower concentrations of harmful organic compounds and be more cost-effective than any other individual process used.

Ozone is also FDA-approved for direct contact with food. Using ozone to treat the food during the packaging stage can extend the shelf life of most food products.

Ozone disinfection is especially useful for residents in large cities and urban areas where there are numerous factories, heavy traffic, and other high-pollution areas. Ozone air purifiers are a must for these types of everyday pollutants that strive in these types of environments. Ozone purifiers are recommended for industrial areas to get rid of any offensive airborne chemical smells. They can be easily installed to remove various odors that are common in homes, offices, manufacturing areas, laboratories and other various high traffic areas where people spend a lot of their time occupying. Ozone air purifiers are also great for smoking zones to reduce smokescreens, tobacco smells, and other long-lasting odors.

SafetyIs Such A Powerful Disinfectant Like Ozone Safe To Use?

Ozone is considered one of the strongest natural germicides in the air and deals with any and all kinds of atmospheric and surface pollution, among other contaminates. Despite this, ozone is know not to be carcinogenic or allergenic and does not impair reproduction; nor is it easily absorbed by the skin. For ozone that is made for consumer and industrial purposes, there are regulatory frameworks in place in most countries providing guidelines for safe human exposure levels to ozone.

Frameworks are necessary because ozone does still come with some risks to health. A person in direct contact with the ozone in a small area can experience discomforts or even more serious respiratory symptoms within a few minutes.

Nevertheless, it is common in industrial, commercial and residential environments to use high concentrations of ozone to disinfect areas large and small more quickly. During this type of disinfection process, one would be require to leave the room for a while to avoid any discomforts.

Reassuringly, ozone is completely safe to use and be around when it is inside the level limit concentration (LLC), which is commonly considered to be 0.1 parts per million (ppm) and can be easily detectable at low concentrations by humans.


With the disinfectant power of Ozone, providing purified air, safe drinking water, germ-free surfaces, and cleaner environments in our homes, offices, warehouses and factories has never been easier.

With new technology constantly improving how we harness the power of ozone in our homes or in our place of work, it is becoming safer, easier and more economically efficient to do so.

Using ozone purifiers puts health first, getting fresh air free from unhealthy irritants and other common pollutants or contaminates.

Ozone purifiers are some of the best ways to bring fresh air indoors and give you an exceptional opportunity to breathe freely.

What is Ozone Purification and How Does It Work?

“What is that smell!?” or “Where is that smell coming from?”

These phrases have been much too common in my household. Depending on the room in the house, the culprit was always different. Sometimes it was a stale water smell in the washroom, others times the compost smell coming from the kitchen. Despite my best efforts, sometimes it was me having a secret cigarette break in the laundry room. Whatever the case, the unwanted smells were often easy to notice and often commented on.

I have tried everything to mask or “get rid of“ the smells, but nothing has ever proved to be 100 percent effective. Air fresheners always just masked the smells instead of eliminate the smell as advertised. Cleaners like chlorine or vinegar have worked for a short time, but then your left with the equally as strong and unpleasant smell of the cleaner, plus the first bad smell would always return eventually. I was about to just give up and learn to live with these smelly smells, accepting them as part of the room they occupied, and a part of my life.

That is when I found Oshiner’s Mini Air Purifier. Not only did it get rid of the smells, it also got rid of other dust in the air, making each room smell cleaner and more fresh. What I loved most was how simple it was to use! Finally there was no more need to go to buy multiple cleaners, air fresheners, refills, filters, in the hopes that it might clean the air and get rid of the bad smell. Oshiner’s Mini Air Purifier is the perfect all in one appliance that really works. Just plug it into a normal house outlet, press the start button, and it starts making ozone to get rid of odor, dust, bacteria and viruses, leaving the air smelling and feeling amazing! The best part is that it has a built in timer, so it will automatically turn off after 30 minutes which is perfect.

oshiner mini air

I wanted to know exactly how ozone worked for purifying the air, so I did a bit of research and I was surprised at what I found.

What I found is that ozone is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms. Normally the oxygen we breathe is made up of two oxygen atoms, shown as O2, so to make ozone, the oxygen in the air needs to be split apart, usually using an electric current of some kind. This gives the oxygen the ability to reform as ozone which is shown as O3. Oxygen atoms prefer to make basic oxygen (O2) rather ozone (O3) which makes ozone a bit of an unstable molecule.

Because ozone is considered unstable, it wants to stick to other molecules in its area, such as smoke, bacteria, viruses, fungi, dust and other pollutants. This makes it ideal for sticking to, and protecting my family from bad smells, common colds, the flu during flu season, and other serious airborne viruses! There is also no signs that viruses, bacteria or fungi can build an immunity to ozone disinfection, meaning it will keep effectively working and cleaning for days, weeks, and years to come.

I have also came across some possible hazards that should not be ignored when using ozone in the home.

Some of those hazards being, high expose to ozone can be dangerous for certain groups of people, especially those with asthma causing chest pains, difficulty breathing, throat irritation or even infection. Because of this, both the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) recommend an upper limit of 0.10 ppm of ozone not to be exceeded.

Of course after seeing this I became concerned that maybe using ozone to purify the air in my home was not the right choice. I was quickly reassured when I seen that Oshiner’s Mini Air purifier is made to not exceed the recommended 0.10 ppm of ozone, and also has an automatic shut off timer to limit ozone concentration and also save energy. 

Now, because ozone is highly unstable, it also has a half-life or lifespan of about 30 minutes. After that time it will break down and the oxygen atoms will find a new bond to make. This means ozone is safer to use because it does not leave any residuals like other cleaners such as chlorine.

Also because of its half hour lifespan and inability to be stored because of its instability as a molecule, ozone must be made as it is needed. This made sense as the reason why ozone is produced from an appliance like Oshiner’s Mini Air Purifier, and it did not come in a can like many other so-called ‘air fresheners’.

I am incredibly happy with my new Oshiner’s Mini Air Purifier, and after learning how ozone works to disinfect and purify the air in my home, I am confident that I have made the right decision. It works when I want it to, turns off automatically, and applies just the right amount of ozone in the air to keep me and my family safe from viruses, bacteria, fungi and bad smells.

I highly recommend everyone using Oshiner’s Mini Air Purifier in their home too! Give it a try and I know you will be impressed with the results. Start breathing cleaner air today!


Cristiano, Luigi. “Could Ozone Be an Effective Disinfection Measure against the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)?” Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, vol. 61, no. 3, 1 Sept. 2020, p. E301, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7595067/, 10.15167/2421-4248/jpmh2020.61.3.1596.

“How Does Pyramid Air Protect Ozone Purifier Work ?” Ultra-Bio-Ozone.com, ultra-bio-ozone.net/how-does-ozone-air-purifier-work/

“Mini Air Purifier – OSHINER.” www.oshiner.com, www.oshiner.com/portfolio/mini-air-purifier/

US EPA, OAR. “Ozone Generators That Are Sold as Air Cleaners.” US EPA, 28 Aug. 2014, www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/ozone-generators-are-sold-air-cleaners#:~:text=Ozone%20in%20the%20upper%20atmosphere–referred%20to%20as%20%22stratospheric.

Play Your Role in Reducing Food Waste

Every day, tons of food go to waste worldwide and a significant portion of it, is still perfectly edible. It is estimated that almost a third of the world production is lost or wasted every year. You might think that it does not affect you and that there is little to nothing you can do about it, but the truth is food wastage affects you directly. In all this, you also have an important role to play to stop it.

Did you know when food is discarded, it is sent to landfills where it rots and generates both greenhouse gases (such as methane which contributes to climate change) and leachate which infiltrates soil and water sources and is responsible for safety and health hazards?

Wasting food wastes the resources that went into producing that food, from the water, seeds, feeds to labor, effort, energy, and investment. This problem finds it roots at each step of the journey of the food that ends up on your plate, and even after, if it is thrown away. In fact, the responsibility is shared at three different levels: farmer level, retail/business level and consumer level. More specifically, food gets spoilt during harvesting, processing, transportation, storage in warehouses and supermarkets… and when stored for too long in our homes. And between 20 to 40% of fruits and vegetables are disposed off when marked, discolored, or oddly shaped and sized because they do not meet the standards of the marketplace.

Reducing food loss and waste is essential for a sustainable future of the planet and every action counts. At an individual level, there are simple things we can all do to reduce the quantity of food that goes to waste in our homes.

– Starting with planning weekly meals, you will save money and time and eat healthier food. By doing so, you will stop buying food on impulse at the grocery store and only get what is necessary for a week.

– Secondly, note upcoming expiration dates on foods you already have at home, and plan meals around the products that are closest to their expiration.

– Thirdly, store foods the right way, put perishable foods in the refrigerator or freezer as soon as you get home from shopping, and store all unopened non-perishable products in a clean, dry place at room temperature.

– Fourthly, buy funny-looking fruits and vegetables, do not discriminate against “ugly” fruits and veggies.

– Lastly, shop from your refrigerator first! Cook and eat what you already have at home before buying more.

Engaging in food safety and preservation has a big role to play in solving the food waste problem. And one attractive alternative to resolving the issue is the use of ozone technology for food preservation. In fact, ozone is already applied in the food industry in developed countries, as a sterilizer for food and as been granted with the status of “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS) as a sanitizer and disinfectant for foods by the FDA.

Ozone application for food preservation is considered a safer and greener alternative than traditional technologies, mostly because ozone application is non residual and does not affect the taste or smell of food products. Ozone is often spread on fruits and vegetables to prolong their life and reduce their wastage, but it is also applicable on red meat, poultry, seafood, dairy, spices, nuts, and frozen foods.

Ozone can also be used by households to preserve and safely stored their food. With Oshiner Fridge Freshener, you can now prolong the lifespan of the food you store in the fridge.

Oshiner Fridge Freshener

With Oshiner Ozone Fridge Freshner, you can keep your food two times longer through the preservation power of ozone. With its oxidation and elimination of bacteria and viruses, ozone preserves your food fresh longer while killing off the germs present in your fridge. Keeping your fridge sterilized and your food fresh and free from bacteria, avoiding unnecessary food waste.

Play your part in stopping food waste by patterning with Oshiner.

Ozone Applications in Air Treatment and Disinfection

Ozone is an inorganic molecule also referred to as activated oxygen because it is composed of three atoms of oxygen bound together. It is generated by stimulating a flow of oxygen from ambient air, with high energy amounts and causing the atoms of oxygen to split and reorganize into new molecules, oxygen free radicals and O3 (ozone). More than a 100 industries daily use ozone in countless applications. From water treatment to manufacturing processes, equipment maintenance, odor treatment, and preservation of food and raw materials.

Air Disinfection

Usually in the form of a gas, it is largely used as a disinfecting agent because of its strong oxidation abilities. When it comes in contact with bacteria, ozone breaks through the cell membrane and neutralizes the bacteria’s essential components (RNA, DNA, enzymes and proteins) leading to its destruction. Not only is ozone a disinfection agent, it is also categorized as a sporicidal agent (kills spores), an algaecide (kills and prevents the growth of algae) and a virucide (destroys or inactivates viruses).

Log reduction Values

Log reduction mathematically expresses the relative number of cells killed in a disinfectant test

For most applications, a log reduction of  4 is sufficient on average. Since ozone is produced on site, there is no extra cost for handling and storing dangerous chemical substances. And ozone does not leave residue after treatment as the atoms of ozone O3 decompose back to oxygen O2. The gaseous spread of ozone allows to disinfect any surface and reaching out difficult spots. Be with low or high concentrations, ozone is able to kill bacteria, viruses and spores.

Biological Lethal Coefficients of Common Disinfectants

Disinfectant Enterobacteria Virus Bacterial Spores Amoebic Cysts
O3 500 5 2 0.5
HOCL 20 1 0.05 0.05
OCL 0.2 <0.02 <0.0005 0.0005
NH2CL 0.1 0.0005 0.001 0.02

*BLC: high value= high disinfection power


The use of Ozone is very appropriate for medical applications as it is more effective to sterilize large air volumes (like waiting rooms or treatment rooms) from bacteria and viruses compared to other air treatment alternatives. Ozone sterilization is good to preventing the spread of germs and pathogens in patient rooms by cleaning before and after new patients come to the rooms. And certain areas such as corridors, waiting rooms and bathrooms can be scheduled for ozone disinfection at nighttime, when they are free of patients and employees to allow the disinfection enough time to thoroughly sanitize the area. For rooms requiring a 6-log scale deactivation of living microbes like surgery rooms, the solution is to apply and monitor high concentrations of ozone in that room when closed, for many hours, letting the ozone disinfecting the area and paying close attention to the recommendations about exposure time.

Food storage

One of the industries in which ozone is used the most is the food industry. In Oshiner previous article Ozone Applications in Water Treatment and Disinfection, we explained the disinfecting use of ozone in the food and beverage industry. Now we would like to talk about another application of ozone in that industry.

Ozone is vastly applied in the process of food storage as a gaseous fumigant. Starting in the pre-packaging stage of production of certain products such as meat and poultry, and the storage of directly harvested products, like potatoes, ozone is utilized to extend the shelf life of the products by reducing bacteria levels and controlling the spread of different pathogens. By eliminating the bacteria that cause the food to rot, ozone treatment allows to storage of harvested products for longer periods.

Odor Control and Smoke Removal

With the expansion of urban populations into industrial areas, odor control has rapidly become one of the most discussed topics within industrial environmental concerns. This situation is forcing businesses to consider the problem of odor pollution emanating from their factories. With its oxidation power, ozone has proven capable of eliminating different kind of industrial odors with a careful application custom-made for specific odors.

The same goes for ozone application on smoke. It can effectively break down the smoke molecules and separates them so that they can disperse, removing the room odor and smoke, and considerably making the area treated more comfortable and pleasant.

Safety Measures

When operating an ozonator, it is important to know what the recommended concentration levels of ozone are. Generally, any level below 0.1 ppm is considered non-symptomatic, but higher concentrations can be tolerated. For example, exposure levels up to 1.0 ppm can be non-symptomatic, but only for up to 10 minutes. The 0.1 ppm point seems to be the accepted tolerance level.

In fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard is 0.1 ppm for a maximum of eight hours in the workplace. Anything beyond that level and, depending on exposure time, may cause symptoms including eye, nose and throat irritation, coughing, headache and shortness of breath.

OSHA has set specific guidelines for using ozone in the workplace and based on time-weighted averages. Ozone levels should not exceed the following standards: 0.10 ppm (parts per million) for an 8-hour work shift:

• 0.2 ppm for no more than 2 hours exposure

• 0.1 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing light work

• 0.08 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing moderate work

• 0.05 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing heavy work

Despite some concerns and warnings about exposure to high levels of ozone, the number of air treatment applications using ozone technology has increased significantly in recent years. Whether for public spaces disinfection, food storage or industrial odors control, ozone is proving to very useful in various industries.


‘ https://www.oshiner.com/ozone-applications-in-water-treatment-and-disinfection/

‘ https://www.ozone-academy.com/knowledge-base/industrial-air-treatment/?lang=en

‘ https://www.gov.nl.ca/ecc/files/waterres-training-adww-treatmentalternatives-pres02-amir-salama-ozone.pdf

‘ https://www.oz-air.com/air-disinfection.html#

‘ https://www.ozonetech.com/applications/odor-sanitation/smoking-rooms/

‘ http://wcponline.com/2002/10/21/air-water-interesting-uses-ozone-home/

‘ http://wcponline.com/2020/08/15/residential-ozone-applications/

‘ https://www.osha.gov/chemicaldata/